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How to Ease the Transition to Assisted Living

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A female nurse talking to a female assisted living patient in a wheelchair

The transition to a new stage of life can be challenging, and finding the right community for you or your loved one is crucial. Assisted living is a lifestyle that requires a transition period, and easing the adjustment period can make a big difference.

Let’s explore assisted living and how to ease the transition into this new lifestyle and community. 

What Is Assisted Living?

Assisted living is a lifestyle option that allows you to live life on your terms and removes some of the stressful aspects of daily living. Assisted living is a blend of support and independence, and the main focus is your support, safety, and stability. 

Assisted living is designed for people who need help with daily living activities but still value their independence. Assisted living allows your loved ones to have more time to focus on engaging in new hobbies and expanding their social circle. 

Activities of daily living can include things such as: 

  • Eating
  • Dressing
  • Bathing 
  • Toileting
  • Mobility

Your comfort is essential, so your assisted living room will come equipped with: 

  • A private bathroom, including walk-in showers with safety bars
  • Integrated smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinkler systems
  • Wireless internet
  • Utilities, including individual climate control

The onsite staff strives to treat you with care, compassion, and respect in your assisted living community.

Amenities & Services to Look Forward to

Assisted living communities offer individualized care, and your loved ones can expect a tailored level of care as a part of their daily lifestyle. 

Some amenities and services to look forward to include: 

  • 24-hour personal care
  • Professional and highly trained staff
  • Housekeeping and laundry services
  • 24-hour security system
  • Priority admission to rehabilitation and nursing centers
  • Wellness programming

These services and amenities can help your loved ones stay active and stay engaged within their new community. 

Your assisted living team will always be in your corner, and your loved ones will be able to enjoy the quality of life they deserve. 

A group of senior citizen women playing bingo in a senior living community

Easing the Transition to Assisted Living

The transition to assisted living involves some patience and an adjustment period. A new lifestyle and community are exciting and come with a new outlook on life. Your loved one can benefit from a change in scenery and get the support they need. 

When transitioning to an assisted living lifestyle, it’s normal for your loved one to feel that their independence is being taken away. Independence can be a big part of their identity so it’s essential to consider when discussing the change to an assisted living lifestyle.

The new living environment can be challenging for your loved one—let’s look at some tips to make the transition easier

Get Packing Done Early

Leaving packing to the last minute can cause unwanted stress and even make you forget some essential items and belongings. 

Early packing can also help your loved one relax and come to terms with the move while keeping track of what they want to bring to their new community

Explore the New Community

Whether it’s for your loved one or yourself, exploring and familiarizing yourself with a new community can help with preparing mentally for the move. 

Your new community will be happy to answer any questions. Getting in touch with your new community beforehand is a great way to ease the transition. 

Remember to Take a Break

When considering the transition to assisted living, it’s important to remember that everyone adjusts differently to the move. Giving your loved ones a break and helping them take their mind off the move can help them relax.

Simply being there for your loved one before and after the move can help ease any worries or difficulties they may be having. 

Ultimately, the transition to assisted living can be gradual, and your loved one will just need some time in their new environment.

A New Community

The adjustment to assisted living brings an exciting new community for your loved ones to explore and make themselves at home. It can take time to adjust, but the transition can be made easier with a dedicated team around them for assistance.

Schedule a visit with professionals to learn more about assisted living and if it’s ideal for your loved one. 

Written by admin

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