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Why Should Senior Citizens Perform Balance Exercises?

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Staying active is important in all walks of life, especially as you age. Finding the right community is essential, and discovering a new lifestyle can be exciting but remaining active is vital to your overall quality of life.

Let’s look at the importance of balance exercises for senior citizens, including the various health benefits and how staying active can benefit your quality of life.

The Importance of Balance Exercises for Senior Citizens

As you or your loved one’s age, the importance of exercise programs become that much more helpful. Increasing your workout consistency as you age is especially important in your senior years. Physical activity can improve your flexibility and help combat the risk of some health conditions.

Being active as you age can also help you stay independent and boost your confidence and overall well-being. Younger people can quickly react when they get off balance, but it requires a little more work to keep those muscles strong as you age. 

Some conditions that can cause balance concerns include:

  • Arthritis
  • Migraines
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Vision impairment
  • Medication side effects

Losing your balance is a part of life, and it happens all the time—practicing balance exercises, however, can help you feel healthier when dealing with a loss of mobility.

Older adults finding their balance can be exciting, and a great way to spend time and feel good about themselves after. 

Here are some general tips to help you and your loved ones to get started:

  • Determine which leg is your dominant leg, and start each exercise with your non-dominant side to practice balance.
  • Focus on maintaining good posture and form while you’re holding a position.
  • Work on distributing your weight evenly between both feet to prevent your weight from falling on one foot. 
  • Place your feet a little farther apart if you have concerns with your balance in the standing position.

Balance exercises can be an easy and engaging part of everyday life. Staying active within a retirement community can be made more accessible by joining classes and attending events

The motivation for performing balance exercises as you age is internal. It’s essential to keep in mind that it’s for your or your loved ones’ long-term health. 

The Benefits of Balance Exercises

Balance exercises can help build strength and improve posture, stability, and coordination. These benefits can potentially reduce your chances of falling or bumping into things resulting in injury. You may not bounce back quite as quickly, so preventative measures are essential.

Older adults should feel self-assured and confident in their movement patterns, so they aren’t anxious and fearful about falling. Balance exercises can instill that crucial confidence and control needed as you slow down later in life.

It’s never too late to start focusing on your balance and committing to a new exercise plan. It can be easily accessible in the right community and be a great way to spend your days.

A group of four seniors in an exercise class, standing on one foot to strengthen their balance

Simple Balance Exercises for Senior Citizens

Balance exercises for senior citizens are simple and easy to perform. You won’t require much equipment either—it’s all about centering yourself and perfecting your form.

Marching Exercise

The marching exercise involves standing next to a chair or counter—try not to hold on unless you have to. You’ll then alternate lifting one knee as high as possible, then the other knee as high as possible, and doing it for about 2 minutes each time you lift the knee. 

The Living Room Walk

The living room walk exercise is a simple one. It involves strolling across your living room and turning your head slowly as far to the right as you can. You’ll then walk back to your starting point, turning your head as far to the left as possible.

Chair Exercise

The chair exercise is another simple exercise you can perform at home. It involves sitting in a chair that doesn’t have arms, crossing your arms across your shoulders, and standing up and sitting down repeatedly while keeping your head up. It’s also important to not lean forward as you stand up.

These are just a few balance exercises you can perform throughout the week to keep yourself fresh and feel good about your balance. 

If your loved one lives in a retirement community, their on-site options can also promote a healthy lifestyle. 

Some of these on-site activities include: 

  • Health and wellness programming
  • Tai Chi
  • Movement and music
  • Group exercise activities
  • Zumba

Making a point to fit some physical activity into your schedule has many health benefits. Maintaining your balance exercise schedule can bring a sense of fulfillment to your day-to-day. 

Staying Active

No matter what age you are, balance exercises are good for the present and the future. Physical activity and balance exercises become crucial in your later years, and senior citizens can benefit significantly from the positive effects, whether living in a retirement community or living at home. Get in touch with a professional today to learn more about retirement community lifestyle options and inquire about the activities available to you or your loved ones.

Written by admin

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